Personal Profile for Curtis Mulatz:

What the LADEEZ call me: Turdbits

Halo Rank: Private, Grade 2 (I'm pretty much THE AWESOME. look out noobz)

Hobbies: Hot Rods! Check out my SWEET ride. It's a FIRE RED (sorta) Buick I did some mods to with my step-dad!!! We saw a fux capacitor on Ebay we're gonna hopefully win the bid on so we can go visit my Auntie in 1983 when she had a double-wide trailer and EVERYTHING!

You can see the emblem work we did...we couldnt get the buick one off but it's still pretty TIGHT!

my step-dad made this sign to make fun of me i think cuz my veeva pinyata clan told me i had no balls. i unlocked like 10 acheevements cuz i'm so good planting seeds!

We don't have tires yet but my little sister has some really big ones on her bike we can maybe take.

Instead of a spoiler my step-dad said it would be killer BADASS to hot-glue like tons of stuffed animals onto the trunk so people can see us as we race past them. my favorite is the kitty so he's closest to the back so people see him. his name is chester!

here's a really nice side pic that shows how my buick is shaped like a arrow or road rocket. with the flux capacitor we can hopefully go over 88 and see Auntie. my step-dad says that since my car has been in Canada for a long time that maybe we can only have to go 88 km per hour!!! I hope so cuz my speed dial doesn't go much higher. We paid like $50 extra for the car from this guy cuz it had the speed stripes on the side. he said with those lines we can get faster.

Here's chester and his friends. I have two eeyores so you know my rig is BADASS!!

this was my idea. sometimes when step-dad isn't looking i play on his computer machine in the trailer. i got preddy good so i thought maybe i could get money for gas by making OTHER people good for them. i say WOW all the time and step-dad can't figur out what is so amazing hahaha.

We had a mess to cleanup after i slept in my car for some nights. i don't always just play with warcraft too as you can see.

It was so messy in the car! my step-dad wasn't happy and said i was gonna go blind if i kept playing my cute little games. i didn't really get that one but he was laughing at me.

step-dad filling my tank. he's so nasty! he said it was so if people wanna suck the gas out they get what's comin' for them!! haha

these are some tires from my friend's dad's car that we borrowed.

i was burning rubber haha!!! ok thanks for looking i'll update my page when my hotrod is a BABE magnet and we can get girls fro the FUTURE haha. and thanks step-dad for helping me!!